Yolanda writes in USA Today that the African American church is silent and that silence is what hurts those who identify as gay. DL Foster agrees on the silence part (to a point) but does not agree with Yolanda's view of what the solution, or end goal, should be.
From DL's blog Perspectives In Motion ...
Though a peculiar mix of theology and politics, Ms Young finally makes it clear she thinks Jesus will disown you if you don't proclaim homosexuality as normal. Most students of the principle of letting scripture speak for itself would definitely refute that conclusion.
What we can hope for in the growing discussions among black clergy is something that heretofore they have not asserted with the passion and compassion needed. God is able to change the hearts, minds, souls and yes sexual mispassions of homosexual men and women. I am an eyewitness to that. There are thousands of men and women who have walked away from homosexual identities and desires by faith in Christ. Through dedicated groups like Orlando based Exodus International and Witness Ministries in Atlanta, countless people have discovered that it wasn't "rights" they needed, it was love and truth.
That's the real message. Acceptance without truth condemns people to unfulfilled lives. Jesus always spoke truth within the context of acceptance. When we learn to duplicate that in the many facets of our lives, we will truly be on our way to something beautiful.
Go read the whole thing. DL and Yolando both mentions one of my earthly heros, Rev. Bill Owens with CAAP.
I like DL's paying proper respect of Rev. Owens by painting the fuller picture of this remarkable man's life and contribution to society.