From LifeSite:
California Governor Schwarzenegger Veto of Gay "Marriage" Made Meaningless by Other Bills
October 15, 2007 ( - While most media coverage has
been devoted to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's veto of homosexual
'marriage', he has in fact nullified his own veto giving all the rights
of marriage to other unions. His opposition to the bill redefining
marriage was based on the passage of Proposition 22 a referendum in
2000 which protected the traditional definition of marriage.
On Friday Gov. Schwarzenegger signed AB 102, which awards married names
to unmarried couples. AB 102 allows homosexual couples to hold
themselves out as married by permitting them to choose the same surname
upon registration of their "domestic partnership." The bill awards
unmarried couples married last names, such as "Mr. and Mr. Smith" and
"Mrs. and Mrs. Jones."
"Schwarzenegger and the Democrat politicians have created the public
image of homosexual 'marriages' in California," said Randy Thomasson,
president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), in response to
the signing of AB 102. "It's hypocritical for Arnold Schwarzenegger to
veto homosexual 'marriage' licenses and at the very same time
aggressively promote the public image of gay and lesbian 'marriages' in
every community for every child to see."
In addition, Schwarzenegger signed AB 14, which requires more
California businesses, as well as some churches and nonprofit
organizations, to support and promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and
AB 14 prohibits state funding for any program that does not support
transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality. This means state-funded
social services operated by churches and other houses of faith, which
provide essential services to children and adults, could dry up.
Read the whole article >>
GSA Clubs and Social Activism
From CitizenLink:
Hat tip: Randy Thomas
Posted by MikeEnsley on Wednesday, February 06, 2008 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)