From LifeSite:
Brazil's first national "Youth Conference", held in the capital city of Brasilia in late April, concluded with a declaration in favour of the legalization of abortion and the creation of an educational system free of “homophobia”.
The 2,280 attendees were given preliminary materials published by the government and bearing the name of President Luiz Lula, which claimed that illegal abortions were causing maternal deaths and that women never die of legal abortions...
Participants were also given government materials that defended homosexuality... "to be homosexual (gay or lesbian), bisexual, transvestite or transsexual isn't an illness, isn't illegal, isn't wrong, and isn't an option. It's an orientation like heterosexuality, that is to say, another way of living and expressing one's love."
Randy Thomas on California's Gay Marriage Ruling
Exodus Executive Vice President Randy Thomas responds on his blog to the historic ruling by the California Supreme Court overturning a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage:
Posted by MikeEnsley on Friday, May 16, 2008 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)