***Scroll Down For Update***
I will be on the J.T. Foxx Show Sunday (tomorrow). It's on News-Talk WIND 560 AM station in Chicago. You can listen live here. I will be listening in around 8:30-ish am EDT CDT and will be on sometime in the 9 o'clock hour
8:45 CDT (it's only and hour long show.) The first part of the show
will have Shirley Phelps-Roper and a local politician who had a gay son
who died of AIDS.
I have a feeling my heart is going to be broken on so many levels before I ever actually get on the show.
I am very excited that during the time that I am on there will also be
a VERY popular gay blogger on as well. I won't mention who it is until
after the show.
***After the Show Update***
Mrs. Phelps-Roper was still screaming whenever they called and plugged
me in. I was originally slated to be in the last 20 minutes of the
show. Her segment ran over for 10 minutes so when I finally got on it
was very quick and brief. The host was very gracious and basically
described Exodus for the audience and asked me what I thought of the
Phelps message. I say what I usually say and think is important: the
Phelps crew and I do NOT serve the same God and it is obvious that they
do not know the Christ I serve.
The other guests on the show
at the same time were two state reps from Illinois. They both were
very kind and gracious. One man is a Marine veteran and his son died
of AIDS. He said something along the lines that while he detests the
Phelps message... he and his son fought for their right to be able to
say it. And he stopped right there for a few seconds and I thought
that was probably the most powerful thing I had heard on the show to
that point. He went on to say that he was not mad, he was upset as a
Christian that these people would claim that what they are saying is of
When I think of the Phelps crew it is obvious to judge what
the effect of their false gospel is doing. It breeds
self-righteousness, self-sufficient judgment of the human soul and
religious pharasaical pride. One thing that hit me today is how
genuinely ungrateful these degenerate people, The Phelps clan, have
become. They are not grateful for the atonement of Christ, they act as
if they earned it. They are not grateful for the freedom we have in
this country and they are not grateful for their neighbor with whom
they are commanded to love as they would themselves. I think today,
that is what stood out to me the most... how completely ungrateful
these false prophets are.
And since I know that they have read my blog in the past, I will say it again in case they are reading this post, it is you who
needs to repent of preaching a false gospel and of relying on your own
self-sufficiency to bring about your condemnatory self-righteous false
gospel. It is one thing to be personally deceived and quite another to
drag and curse people to hell because you pervert the true gospel which
is Christ Crucified and Risen for all who should believe.
::: deep breath :::
mentioned that a gay blogger I really respect was supposed to be on the
show and I didn't mention their name. Well, that blogger, for whatever reason, did not make the
show. I was disappointed but in reality, I was on there for all of 3
minutes...maybe. It would have been difficult to have had any more
guests on the show. And for those who are trying to guess who the
mystery blogger is ... no, it was not Tammy Bruce.
On The Radio - J.T. Foxx Show
***Scroll Down For Update***
I will be on the J.T. Foxx Show Sunday (tomorrow). It's on News-Talk WIND 560 AM station in Chicago. You can listen live here. I will be listening in around 8:30-ish am
EDTCDT and will be on sometime in the9 o'clock hour8:45 CDT (it's only and hour long show.) The first part of the show will have Shirley Phelps-Roper and a local politician who had a gay son who died of AIDS.I have a feeling my heart is going to be broken on so many levels before I ever actually get on the show.
However, I am very excited that during the time that I am on there will also be a VERY popular gay blogger on as well. I won't mention who it is until after the show.
***After the Show Update***
Well, Mrs. Phelps-Roper was still screaming whenever they called and plugged me in. I was originally slated to be in the last 20 minutes of the show. Her segment ran over for 10 minutes so when I finally got on it was very quick and brief. The host was very gracious and basically described Exodus for the audience and asked me what I thought of the Phelps message. I say what I usually say and think is important: the Phelps crew and I do NOT serve the same God and it is obvious that they do not know the Christ I serve.
The other guests on the show at the same time were two state reps from Illinois. They both were very kind and gracious. One man is a Marine veteran and his son died of AIDS. He said something along the lines that while he detests the Phelps message... he and his son fought for their right to be able to say it. And he stopped right there for a few seconds and I thought that was probably the most powerful thing I had heard on the show to that point. He went on to say that he was not mad, he was upset as a Christian that these people would claim that what they are saying is of God.
When I think of the Phelps crew it is obvious to judge what the effect of their false gospel is doing. It breeds self-righteousness, self-sufficient judgment of the human soul and religious pharasaical pride. One thing that hit me today is how genuinely ungrateful these degenerate people, The Phelps clan, have become. They are not grateful for the atonement of Christ, they act as if they earned it. They are not grateful for the freedom we have in this country and they are not grateful for their neighbor with whom they are commanded to love as they would themselves. I think today, that is what stood out to me the most... how completely ungrateful these false prophets are.
And since I know that they have read my blog in the past, I will say it again in case they are reading this post, it is you who needs to repent of preaching a false gospel and of relying on your own self-sufficiency to bring about your condemnatory self-righteous false gospel. It is one thing to be personally deceived and quite another to drag and curse people to hell because you pervert the true gospel which is Christ Crucified and Risen for all who should believe.
::: deep breath :::
I mentioned that a gay blogger I really respect was supposed to be on the show and I didn't mention their name. Well, that blogger, for whatever reason, did not make the show. I was disappointed but in reality, I was on there for all of 3 minutes...maybe. It would have been difficult to have had any more guests on the show. And for those who are trying to guess who the mystery blogger is ... no, it was not Tammy Bruce.
Posted by Randy Thomas on Sunday, October 15, 2006 | Permalink
Tags: aids, chicago, ex-gay, exgay, j.t. foxx show, phelps, radio, wind 560 am