from an article at GLSEN's website entitled "Talking the Talk: A Glossary of LGBT Terminology and Match-up Game"
Sexual Identity: This is how we perceive and what we call ourselves. Such labels include “lesbian,” “gay,” “bisexual,” “bi,” “queer,” “questioning,” “heterosexual,” “straight,” and others. Sexual Identity evolves through a developmental process that varies depending on the individual. Our sexual behavior and how we define ourselves (identity) can be chosen. Though some people claim their sexual orientation is also a choice, for others this does not seem to be the case. (emphasis added)
Wait just a minute... did they just say that identity is a choice and indirectly infer that some people claim orientation is a choice? ... That identity is a developmental process? Wow.
We at Exodus know that people struggling with same sex attraction did not choose to struggle with same sex attraction and yet people can choose by what facet of their lives they want to identify with. For myself it is Christian. Also, while people don't choose to struggle with same sex attraction, we certainly can choose to pursue re-orientation or "overcome" said attractions by pursuing holiness. Healthy heterosexuality is a by-product of our journey toward holiness that occurrs on varying levels for different people. Even so, to go from a gay-centric relational paradigm to a Christ-centered one is HUGE change regardless of sexual orientation shift (or lack thereof.)
I think perhaps many in the gay activist community are realizing that change is possible and people are looking for options aside from a gay-centric worldview. They are changing their language and message to hold on to a base that is increasingly frustrated with a narrow view of those dealing with same sex attraction having to idenitfy as "gay."
The difference is they are holding open the "options" of identity which still limit a person's choice to what "we (inference the gay identified community) call ourselves" and never question the morality or transcendant needs of why a human desires to even have a solid identity. It would appear that their approach is a self-sufficient option list for people to pick from, that still empower them through a sense of community, instead of an Inspired self-awareness.
Exodus is a Christian organization and we believe that every human soul bears the image of God. We, like Him, want to be known by Him and to know others. We bear His image most strikingly in the way that we carry out our relationships. He is a relational God and He created us to be relational. Sexuality is just one of many components of our relational lives and we choose to place it in proper context and not limit our identity to be based only on who we are sexually attracted too or to what we may be feeling at the moment.
It is my hope that the gay activist community will open their minds to tolerate a morality they may not agree with in recognition of the fact that not everyone who has same sex attraction are limited to the above list of gay centric optional identities.