PM 'supports intolerance' by not attending Outgames, singer says
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper has chosen to "support intolerance" by refusing to attend the first World Outgames for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered athletes, singer k.d. lang said Friday....
"It's a sad statement that the national leader of one of the most progressive countries in the world chooses to support intolerance rather than all-inclusiveness," she told a news conference at the Olympic Stadium.
"It's a very, very important moment in the GBLT [gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgendered] community's history, as well as Canadian history," she said.
"It's momentous for Canada."
read more: CBS News
Gay Groups Announce Agenda 'Beyond Same-Sex Marriage'
"To try to counter the family-values agenda, lesbian, gay and bisexual activist groups joined hands recently to publicly announce a new agenda.
They issued a major statement called "Beyond Same-Sex Marriage: A New Strategic Vision for All Our Families and Relationships."
"Our strategies must be visionary, creative and practical to counter the right's powerful and effective use of marriage as a 'wedge' issue that pits one group against another," the statement claims. "The struggle for marriage rights should be part of a larger effort to strengthen the stability and security of diverse households and families."
Dr. Janice Crouse of the Beverly LaHaye Institute at Concerned Women for America said the statement is clear evidence that there is not only a "gay agenda" — activists have no intention of giving up on it.
"I think it's a declaration of war," Crouse said. "It's a warning for those of us that value the traditional family — where there's a mother and a father and their children, either biological or adopted.
"This document very clearly says, 'Marriage is not the only worthy form of family or of relationships.' They are clearly going for redefinition of what it means to be a family."
read more:
Billionaire Atheist And Homosexual Activist Are Busy Building A Shadow Government
"The Washington Post did conservative voters a favor two weeks ago by running a feature on the newest venture of billionaire atheist/socialist George Soros and his ally, millionaire homosexual activist Tim Gill.
Soros and Gill (who made his fortune as founder of Quark), have formed Democracy Alliance, a group that lavishes millions upon radical liberal groups that are willing to tow the Soros/Gill party line.
Democracy Alliance is part of a whole network of organizations that form part of the Soros shadow government in the U.S. The Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank run by former Clinton staffer John Podesta, is one of these power groups. Media Matters for America and Air America are two additional groups in this shadow government and others include: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington; Center for Progressive Leadership and many others. Twenty-five groups have received the blessing of Democracy Alliance and are receiving funding.
Soros and Gill hope that their millions will buy them far left control of Congress and the White House in 2008."
read more: The American Daily
Homosexuals Seek to Shut Down Canadian Pro-Family Websites
"Homosexual activists have denounced three Calgary based websites to the Alberta and Federal Human Rights Commissions, demanding that the sites which post information critical of homosexual behaviour be shut down.
Homosexual activists in Alberta have targeted these websites run by Craig Chandler, a Canadian conservative and talk-radio host. The sites contain postings of letters, calls for action, and archived copies of a radio show called Freedom Radio Network. The radio program hosted by Chandler with co-host Erik Gregson describes itself as “conservative without apology” and “a breath of fresh air in a world inundated by left wing liberal media”. spoke with Chandler, who explained that his long and expensive battle with the human rights commissions began over two years ago. At that time the Executive Director of Concerned Christians Canada, Rev. Stephen Boissoin wrote a letter to the editor denouncing the homosexual agenda. Dr. Darren Lund of the University of Calgary then filed a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission about the letter, which Boissoin and Chandler have been forced to fight to the tune of close to $100,000, with no end to the case in sight.
Not only was Boissoin brought before the Commission, but Lund and other homosexual activists attempted to have three affiliated websites, all of which are following and publicizing the case, shut down. The three websites are,, and The Alberta Human Rights Commission, however, dismissed the complaint, says Chandler, allowing the sites to continue running. The homosexual activists, however, not lightly to be brushed aside, then filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission."
read more: LifeSite News.Com
Speaker Faces Hostility from ProHomosexual Mob Including Clergy
"A Christian activist from California says Christians ministering at the recent "Gay Games" in Chicago received an anything-but-warm welcome from a pro-homosexual crowd that included some unexpected enemies.
James Hartline is a former homosexual who has now dedicated his life to helping free others from that lifestyle and combating the homosexual agenda. The Illinois Family Institute invited him to Chicago to speak recently, during the 2006 Gay Games events, about the physical dangers of homosexual activity.
Hartline says at one point during his visit, he and a group of Christians gathered together in front of a homosexual bathhouse. There, he notes, they met fierce resistance from a raucous crowd of homosexual activists and their supporters.
"When we went inside of the homosexual community," the Christian activist recalls, "it had to be one of the ugliest spiritual experiences that I've ever experienced, because of the hostility that was directed towards us specifically by members of that community. It was like a mob mentality."
Hartline says members of the Chicago Police Department surrounded him and the people with him and created a barrier to protect them from the menacing pro-homosexual throng whose hostile members were raging at them. "There were so many threats coming our way," he asserts, "they basically had to separate us from them."
What was most disappointing about the whole situation, the ex-homosexual speaker observes, was the fact that some clergy members in their religious garb stood alongside the homosexual activists, shouting at the Christians. This scenario presented "one of the more telling signs about how far away from the Word of God some of these churches have gotten," he says."
read more: AgapePress
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On the matter of copying the exodus billboard:
Lawerence F. Pulgram's fair use and transformative argument failed in his defense of Napster, it failed to hold water here too. The copying of exodus photo and publication of a slightly modified version is no fair use, but willful trademark and copyright infringement.
The exodus photo was an audiovisual work and was not a literal work, it was a combination of graphics and textual rendering of words in particular font and color. In the original photo, the domain name coupled with the background logo designated the authorship of this work.
I. Copyright infringment
The infringer copied the original work and made changes, such changes were merely partial replacement, not transformation. The infringer simply replaced part of the photo with his work. In the modified copy, a substantial amount of the original was kept intact. Mr. Pulgram admitted that there was about 50% of the image that was kept. This is exact copying of half of the work. No transformative defense can be applied to 50% of the work.
By copying the photo but changing the domain name, the infringer made a false designation of authorship of the original work. This is fundamentally different from the "2 Live Crew" case where explicitly credit was given to the holder of "Pretty Woman" copyright.
Lawrence F. Pulgram's creativity (at least in the way he understood the word creativity) analysis shows a total lack of understanding of copyright basics. Copyright protects the authorship of original work fixed on tangile medium. A blind person can shoot a photo in blind and copyright the photo, because it's original work -- work didn't exist before. Copyright does not protect ideas and has nothing to do with ideas and creavitity. In fact, you can borrow the same ideas (unless it's patented) but express it in a different way. The infringer's changing of the words was perfectly legal, the infringing activity was his copying of the exodus photo and imprint his words onto it, and subsequent change of attribution of authorship to another domain.
The First Amendment argument was invalid. The infinger can say whatever he wants, express whatever he wants, he can legall do so without infringing people's copyright.
II. Trademark infringement
By keeping the exodus trademark in the background, the infringer created a false impression that the modified photo was endorsed by exodus. Anyone who did not know who exodus is would inevitably associate the modified photo with the logo and conclude that exodus is a gay organization. Given the publicity of the modified photo, the exodus logo trademark and trade dress was greatly damaged.
III. Willful trademark and copyright infringement go hand in hand in this case
In the parody cases, there were no trademark infringement. This case is thus totally different.
IV. The infringer may be liable for statutory damages for both willful trademark and copyright infringement
treble damages, attorney fees, statutory damages....
Being gay doesn't mean someone the right to violate federal laws on intellectual property.
Posted by: copyright_defender | Sunday, August 06, 2006 at 03:30 PM