Knight Rips Ivy League School for Giving Credibility to 'Transgenderism'
"Prospective applicants to prestigious Harvard Business School no longer have to be of the male or female gender. One pro-family leader in Washington, DC, is criticizing the school for legitimizing transgenderism.
Before completing an application, students looking to enter the Harvard Business School MBA program are asked to fill out an online profile that offers three choices of gender: female, male, or transgender. The form also asks prospective applicants if they would be interested in learning more about the school's "lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender" community.
Bob Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute (CFI) at Concerned Women for America, says "it's not compassionate" for Harvard to encourage people to reject their "God-given natures." But then Knight considers the source.
"I'm not surprised it's coming out of Harvard," he says, "because they've flirted with the idea that, in terms of sexuality, anything goes, and they've given intellectual respectability to it." Knight continues, sharing that he feels it is "harmful" that Harvard, one of the most prestigious colleges in America, now thinks there are three sexes instead of two. "That kind of thing trickles down to other institutions," he laments."
read more: Harvard Introduces Third Gender
How should Christians respond when homosexual activists knock at their door? That’s what 19 colleges had to figure out this spring.
"A motor coach rolled to a stop under dreary March skies and across the street from Regent University, a Christian college in Virginia Beach, Va. Inside were riders who had prepared a message for Regent students and faculty: Biblical teaching on the sin of homosexuality is harming Christian students who prefer intimacy with someone of their own gender.
The bus door opened, and onto the sidewalk stepped 33 men and women ready to don clear plastic rain slickers to protect them from the threatening clouds overhead. Shoulder to shoulder, they lined the sidewalk expecting confrontation with the Virginia Beach Police and Regent students.
Within a few minutes, moisture fell, but not from the sky. Regent students wept as they hugged the bus riders.
“We’re here to extend an apology on behalf of Christians who have mistreated them in some way or maybe they’ve experienced homophobia or negativity from the Christian community,” Heather Brook, a clinical psychology major at the school, told Citizen. “More often than not the church has taken a negative approach.”
Brook’s compassion didn’t dissuade some of the riders from staging a protest photo-op for the media assembled nearby. Six riders walked past yellow police tape and chanted, “There are students across that line, and I want to talk to them.” But there were no students in sight—just uniformed police officers waiting to escort trespassers to a squad car....
“I was really let down by their responses,” .. [Christopher Yuan, Graduate Student and formerly same sex attracted representative for Wheaton] said. “It was all experiential: ‘I want, I have the right, I’ve been deprived, I’ve been discriminated against.’ But we really focused on what God said and what God does in relation to our sin—He changes us.”
That promise of change is what makes the difference, he said. While it is true that God loves each one of us just as we are when we come to Him, He does not leave us there.
“They make it seem like God just accepts us and affirms us—period. But that’s not true—for the Lord corrects those He loves. They tried to equate love with affirmation and for them that means He affirms sexuality,” he said. “Sexuality is only a gift given to husband and wife and never outside of that.”
read more : Campus Showdown
"Amidst a blaze of fog, smoke, ice, and debris we see the X-Men exchange a knowing glance with one another as they eye the four medical vials laying on the ground beside them. The tubes contain a liquid that can “cure” mutants, but it is not the mutants who want the cure, it’s the heterosexuals, er, I mean the non-mutants.
My Freudian slip may reveal that some in society have been seeing more than mutants in this summer’s blockbuster film X-Men 3. I saw the movie and discovered that almost every scene in it somehow parallels the struggle to integrate gay and lesbian people into society.
In a world where some are born “normal” and others are born with genetic mutations that give them superpowers, those without the mutations decide to formulate a serum that can normalize the mutants. Most of the mutants argue that they don’t need a cure, asserting that their mutations are innate to their identities, but still some who aren’t happy with their mutations embrace the chance to change.The movie has stirred up controversy particularly among those who feel that society has rejected gays merely because they are “different.” Even one of the films lead actors Sir Ian McKellen, who plays the villain Magneto, has noticed the similarities. McKellen spoke at the Cannes Film Festival shortly before the release of X-Men 3: "As a gay man, some people think that it ought to be cured and made normal again, and I find it as offensive as someone saying that they have a cure for the color of their skin. This particular story was close to my heart; it has an important message to young people who may for one reason or another be disaffected with society because society points at their differences and says that they're inferior to the rest of us."
read more: More Than Mutants
20 out of 20 times, Americans choose to protect institution from changes
"Yesterday's stunning decision by Washington's Supreme Court upholding traditional marriage is not the only setback dogging same-sex marriage advocates.
In fact, 20 out of the 20 times it has come before voters, Americans have chosen to protect by constitutional amendment the idea of limiting marriage to one man and one woman.
So this year as it's brought before voters in another six – or eight – states, what do opponents plan to do to get their first single?
"The best that they (traditional marriage opponents) can do is confuse the issue," States Issues Analyst Mona Passignano, of the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family Action, told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive look-ahead at this fall's election season.
"What they're running up against is that people just want traditional marriage protected," she said.
"We have six states that will have marriage amendments on their ballot (in 2006)," Passignano said, identifying them as Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Two more, Arizona and Colorado, still have yet to reach either deadlines for turning in petition signatures or decisions for whether enough signatures have been turned in. Arizona's marriage supporters turned in 300,000 names, for a requirement of 184,000, but they still are being verified. In Colorado, the deadline to turn in names is Aug. 7, and 68,000 verified names are needed, she said.
"The atmosphere (around the issues) right now is actually positive," she said. "But you can expect that to change in October." Then, the campaigning will get confusing."
read more: Same Sex Marriage on Rocks With Voters
Democrats Change Strategy on Gay Marriage
"In 2004, the Democratic Party made it clear it stood opposite President George W. Bush on defending traditional marriage. "We repudiate President Bush's divisive effort to politicize the Constitution by pursuing a 'Federal Marriage Amendment,'" it says on page 38 of The 2004 Democratic National Platform for America. In the statement prior to that, the party says such an issue should be left to the states. "In our country, marriage has been defined at the state level for 200 years, and we believe it should continue to be defined there," it says.
Since that platform was written, the number of states installing the traditional definition of marriage as part of their constitution has grown to 20 -- and as many as seven more are set to consider similar initiatives this fall. Sensing that its "leave it to the states" approach needs some tweaking, the DNC has apparently decided to add more structure to the state-level efforts to legalize same-sex marriage.
For example, the DNC recently contributed $10,000 to opponents of the pro-marriage "Protect Marriage Illinois" initiative in the state of Illinois. A spokesman for the pro-homosexual group National Stonewall Democrats -- in an interview with the Washington Blade, a pro-homosexual publication -- confirmed that contribution, adding that homosexual activists in the state were "very pleased" with the DNC's help.
In the same article, DNC spokesman Danien LaVera spelled out the Committee's five-point plan for fighting state ballot measures that would ban same-sex marriage:
Label "anti-gay" ballot measures as "divisive" ploys by the Republicans and others to deflect voter attention from other important issues, including "the Bush administration's failed policies."
- Begin a state "party-building" operation that includes specific training for state party operatives in all 50 states on how to campaign against ballot measures banning homosexual marriage.
- Work closely with the National Stonewall Democrats to "develop strategy and talking points" to combat state measures defining marriage as being between one man and one woman.
- Work cooperatively with homosexual organizations fighting ballot measures in each state where they surface, providing campaign advice, expertise, and logistical and financial support.
- Empower and organize GLBT [gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender] communities around the country through the help of Brian Bond, the DNC's new "gay outreach organizer."
read more: Dems Have a Plan to Counter Growing Success of State Marriage Initiatives
Gender Identity?
"One little girl entering Broward County kindergarten this fall is actually a boy.
Few will know this genetic truth, because the 5-year-old's parents and school administrators have agreed that it's in his best interest to blend in as a female.
Mental health professionals have diagnosed Pat -- not his real name -- with gender dysphoria, a condition in which a person believes that he or she is the opposite gender. After two years of examination, they have determined that he is not simply effeminate or going through a phase.
'Gender dysphoria can take place during a fetus' development in the womb,'' said noted gender specialist and sexologist Marilyn Volker, Ph.D., of Miami.
While this tyke is likely the youngest transgendered child admitted to a South Florida school, he is not unique. Both the Broward and Miami-Dade County school systems have policies in place to smooth the way for such students and their families."
read more: 5 Year Old 'Girl' Starting School is Really a Boy
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