"The Gay Police Association (GPA) is being investigated after it claimed a rise in homophobic attacks was due to religious belief
An advert, showing a Bible next to a pool of blood under the heading "in the name of the father", appeared in a national newspaper's supplement.
Scotland Yard said the inquiry "centres on whether the advert constitutes a faith crime."...
Scotland Yard said the inquiry was prompted by a complaint by a member of the public.
A GPA spokesman said they were aware police have received a complaint in relation to the advert"
read more @: Gay Police in anti-religion probe
"For many parents in Massachusetts, California, and elsewhere in the U.S., the truth is beginning to dawn on them: They aren't living in Kansas anymore. Public education is being used to brainwash thousands of children -- even as young as kindergarten -- into believing that homosexuality is simply a normal and healthy variation of human sexuality...
Massachusetts got off to an early lead, where activists have had nearly carte blanche since the early 1990s. Thus, at John Glenn Middle School in Bedford, for example, pink triangles adorn classroom doors, and a rainbow flag flies over the school during "gay pride" festivities. In Newton, parents discovered that first-grade teacher David Gaita had "come out" to his students and told them he was homosexual and loved men "the way your mom and dad love each other." And in Brookline, lesbian eighth-grade teacher Deb Allen told National Public Radio that she explicitly teaches her students about lesbian sex, including the use of sex toys.
Meanwhile, in California, activists have been busily trying to turn that state's public school system into a re-education camp that would make Fidel Castro proud. According to the Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a California-based pro-family group, the state may soon pass and implement three separate bills -- SB 1437, AB 606 and AB 1506 -- which would have a staggering impact on what public schools teach children.
CCF said that the combination of the three measures would force all California public schools to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to schoolchildren as young as kindergarten; require textbooks to promote these lifestyles; prohibit schools from sponsoring traditional school activities, such as school proms that vote for a boy-girl couple as prom "king" and "queen," or sports teams that "discriminate" against transgendered kids; and prohibit public schools from teaching that there is a natural family -- that is, a father, a mother and their children."
read more @: Pro-Homosexual Push Commonplace in Schools Coast to Coast
"Robert J. Smith, a Maryland transportation appointee who was fired June 15 for describing homosexuality as a "deviancy," is the victim of "heterophobia," according to a group that advocates for "ex-gays."
Maryland Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich, who had appointed Smith to represent the state on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) board of directors in June 2004, fired him after Smith commented on a local cable show.
Smith, who is Roman Catholic, had called homosexuals "persons of sexual deviancy."
Washington, D.C., Councilman Jim Graham, who also sits on the Metro board and is openly homosexual, called on Smith to apologize for his comments or for Ehrlich to fire him.In a statement on the firing, Ehrlich called Smith's comments "highly inappropriate, insensitive and unacceptable" and said they were in contrast to the governor's "commitment to inclusiveness, tolerance and opportunity."
read more@: Fired Catholic a Victim of Heterophobia, Group Says
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Very interesting article and commentary.
Posted by: Black | Tuesday, September 05, 2006 at 07:02 AM