"Barely six weeks away from General Convention and the Episcopal Church's left wing have begun to launch massive media campaigns of disinformation, half truths and spin, painting the orthodox as schismatic, destabilizers of ECUSA, bankrolled with millions of dollars from rightwing foundations, placing the blame on the Washington-based Institute of Religion and Democracy and a number of orthodox Episcopal organizations and ministries.In a two-part series "Follow the Money" in The Washington Window, the newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, editor James Naughton excoriates the network of conservative groups,"their donors and the strategy that has allowed them to destabilize the Episcopal Church...The groups represent a small minority of church members, but relationships with wealthy American donors and powerful African bishops have made them key players in the fight for the future of the Anglican Communion to warn deputies that they must repent of their liberal attitudes on homosexuality or face a possible schism."The two-part story is a mixture of truth, half-truths, innuendo, conjecture, and misinformation.
As one orthodox Episcopalian noted when liberals organize it's just good activism and political savvy but when conservatives organize it's evil."
"Liberty Counsel has agreed to defend Tim Bono of Bono Film and Video who, on April 18, 2006, was ordered by the Arlington Human Rights Commission ("Commission") to duplicate two pro-homosexual videos by lesbian activist Lilli M. Vincenz.
Tim Bono was contacted by Lilli Vincenz via email to reproduce two documentaries entitled Gay and Proud and Second Largest Minority. Mr. Bono informed Ms. Vincenz that his company does not duplicate material that is obscene, could embarrass employees, hurt the company's reputation or that runs counter to the company's Christian and ethical values. He refused to do the job because he did not want to violate his biblical values by helping promote homosexuality.
Ms. Vincenz asked the Commission to force Bono to duplicate her videos. On April 18, 2006, the Commission ordered Mr. Bono to acquiesce to Vincenz's request. The Order states that if Mr. Bono refuses to do the job "after a reasonable amount of time, the Commission can reassemble to discuss why the remedy was not done." The Commission could then forward the case to the full county Board of Commissioners and ask for permission to file a discrimination complaint in Arlington Circuit Court.
Although Vincenz argues that Mr. Bono refused to duplicate the videos because of her "sexual orientation," that allegation is demonstrably false. The titles alone revealed that the videos were pure propaganda promoting a homosexual agenda. Mr. Bono does not inquire into a person's sexual practices as a prerequisite to provide services, nor does Bono Film and Video refuse to provide services to persons based on their "sexual orientation" or practices. However, Mr. Bono has just as much right to refuse to duplicate videos which promote the homosexual agenda as he has the right to refuse to duplicate obscenity, pornography or hate speech. "
"A coalition of evangelical United Methodist women is protesting a keynote speaker at a large event for Methodist women beginning tonight in Anaheim, California. The denomination's Women's Division is being accused of defying church law by inviting a lesbian activist to address the gathering.On Saturday morning, lesbian activist and musician Emily Saliers of the group "Indigo Girls" will speak to more than 8,000 women at the United Methodist Women's Assembly. Saliers will appear with her father, Don, a professor at Candler School of Theology. The event takes place every four years and is a gathering of female leaders with the United Methodist Church (UMC)."
read more: Group Protests Lesbian Activist as Speaker at Methodist Women's Quadrennial by Jim Brown, Agape Press, 4 May 2006
"A civil rights group has sued the Sampson County school board, claiming a ninth-grader was wrongfully suspended this week for disregarding a warning not to express his Christian faith.Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund say students at Midway High School were allowed to participate in the April 26th Day of Silence, an event promoted by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network.
The group says student Benjamin Arthurs was refused permission to wear a Day of Truth shirt on the following day and distribute cards presenting a Christian viewpoint on homosexual behavior during non-instructional time.
He was suspended Monday after ignoring the warning."
read more: Civil rights group sues Dunn school over religious expression by WWAY NewsChannel3, Wilmington, NC
"A North Carolina-based ministry is planning a series of conferences geared toward church pastors, staff members, and lay leaders in an effort to better equip them to minister to those who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle.
Tim Wilkins is a former homosexual who now runs Cross Ministry, which helps to equip churches to evangelize and disciple the homosexual. One of the ways Cross Ministry achieves its goal is through conferences that convey -- through personal testimony, workshops, and literature -- the reality of change for those struggling with same-sex attraction. This summer, Wilkins' ministry will hold a series of one-day conferences under the banner of "More Than Words."
Wilkins explains that the conferences will equip Christians how to better ministry to homosexuals. "The conference itself is [subtitled] 'Walking People Out of Homosexuality' -- not ... 'Walking Out of Homosexuality,'" the ministry leader explains. "If we used the title 'Walking Out of Homosexuality,' the implication ... would be that the conference is only for those who are dealing personally, in their own lives, with homosexuality."
read more: Conferences Slated to Equip Pastors, Laity for Ministry to Homosexuals
by Allie Martin 31 Mar 2006
Next Conference slated for May 6, First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas
MTV News is reporting:
"one angry mother, whose enraged e-mail to Island Records now adorns Fall Out Boy's Web site. After taking her daughters to the Tuesday stop of FOB's Black Clouds and Underdogs Tour at the Cricket Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina (see "Fall Out Boy Start Divulging New Tour Dates — The Real Ones, That Is"), that mother was apparently so upset by what she termed Wentz's "personal political testimony" that she wrote the band's label to complain and declare her moral outrage.
"The ticket said 'all ages,' and your band was very foul-mouthed and anti-morals. Charlotte is not the demoralized city that liberal San Francisco and other cities across the North and West are," the e-mail read. "I had looked forward to this concert with my girls for months [and] I didn't spend over $200 on gas, food and, unfortunately, shirts for you to give your own personal political testimony. ... This was a concert, not some liberal homosexual rally."
read more: Angry Mother Decries Fall Out Boy's 'Liberal Homosexual Rally'
I think there is a bit more to this Fall Out Boy story. According to the band member and one person at the concert (that posted on my blog and a couple of others), Fall Out Boy was using foul language. However, their "liberal homosexual rally" amounted to the band saying that it was ok to say the band was no good or people didn't like the band, but using homophobic remarks like calling something gay instead of stupid was unacceptable. I can't believe this mother disagrees with such a statement, and I hope you guys would agree with that statement at the very least.
Posted by: TA | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 10:15 AM
We do not condone negative comments such as using the word gay to suggest stupidity. However in the article in question band member Wentz actually said this:
"In a post on FallOutBoyRock.com, Wentz wrote: "The only thing I said in Charlotte was, 'You can leave this show and say, "I think this guy is an arrogant jerk," or think, "This band is better than this one," because these are your opinions. The only thing we consider unacceptable is for you to engage in sexist, racist or homophobic behavior. If you do, we don't want you as a fan. Return our merch and leave.' "
Mr. Wentz' statement is clearly stating that homophobia is not just a difference of opinion to which all Americans are entitled. He is saying it is on the same par as sexist and racist behavior. In other words, "if you don't agree with us regarding homosexuality take off our merchandise and get out." I don't hear anything positive, constructive, or enlightening in that... In addition I noticed he didn't mention any refund of ticket or merchandise money to any who might be unhappy with the band for their take on homosexuality...bottom line Mr. Wentz' statement is a threat aimed at impressionable teenagers... conform or be ostracized!
Posted by: Nancy Brown | Tuesday, May 09, 2006 at 11:34 AM