Marriage Myopia
"If you want to see the pathologies plaguing the gay marriage movement in action, you need look no farther than this article penned by Jasmyne Cannick. Titled "Gays First, Then Illegals," Cannick's editorial spews the kind of xenophobic rhetoric now rarely heard outside of right-wing radio and white nativist circles – unless, of course, it's coming from the mainstream gay press. Pitting gay rights against immigrants' rights, Cannick – former "People of Color Media Manager for GLAAD" – considers it a "slap in the face to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people" for Congress to debate immigration reform when same-sex marriage remains unrecognized. For your pleasure or fury, here are some of her greatest hits: "Immigration reform needs to get in line behind the LGBT civil rights movement, which has not yet realized all of its goals. Which is not to say that I don't recognize the plight of illegal immigrants. I do. But I didn't break the law to come into this country. This country broke the law by not recognizing and bestowing upon me my full rights as a citizen." ..."America needs to take care of its own backyard before it debates on whether to take care of its neighbor's backyard. Lesbians and gays should not be second-class citizens. Our issues should not get bumped to the back of the line in favor of extending rights to people who have entered this country illegally. Bottom line."
California panel backs teaching 'sexual diversity'
"The California State Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill this week that would require public schools to teach students in all grades about the contributions homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals have made to society... SB 1437, which passed Tuesday by all three Democrats on the Senate panel, would also mandate that California schools buy textbooks that "accurately" portray "the sexual diversity of our society."
Top Lutheran Council Rejects Synod's Same-Sex Resolution
"A top legislative body of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rejected an effort by its New York Synod to override denomination-wide laws regarding homosexual ministers."
Shutting Down the Scouts
"In 1928, the Philadelphia City Council took note of the good turns that the Boy Scouts were doing throughout the city. The city council voted in favor of allowing the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council to utilize a half-acre plot of public land at 22nd and Winter Streets "in perpetuity." By 1929, construction of the Boy Scout Resource Center was complete...Today, three quarters of a century years later, Philadelphia's Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council is being told that it will be kicked out of the historic headquarters because of the Boy Scouts' policy excluding homosexuals and atheists from positions of leadership and membership."
Homosexual Activists Vow to Spoil Children’s Easter Egg Hunt at Whitehouse
"The Family Pride Coalition has organized some 200 gay families to attend the event, who say they will wear rainbow leis to identify themselves. The group has insisted they are not staging a protest...“We’re not protesting the president’s policies on gay families. We are, however, helping him understand that gay families exist in this country and deserve the rights and protections that all families need,” Jennifer Chrisler, the executive director of Family Pride, told the Herald Tribune...Mark Tooley, who directs the United Methodist committee at the Institute on Religion and Democracy, disagrees...“It’s facetious and not very persuasive for Family Pride to say they’re not making a political statement,” Tooley said in an interview with the Herald last week."