Teacher reads 2nd-graders story about 'gay' wedding
"While two parents in Lexington, Mass., are upset about the fact their second-grade son was read a fantasy book in school about two princes getting married, what makes them even more angry is the fact the boy's teacher said because same-sex marriage is legal in their state there is no way a mother or father can opt out a child from such experiences. "- WorldNetDaily.com 19 Apr 2006
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Groups unveil homosexuality school risk audit
"...the Southern Baptist Convention approved a version of a resolution that....urged parents and churches to investigate their local school districts...Linda Harvey of Mission America developed a survey instrument known as the "Risk Audit" to assist Christian organizations, churches and parents in determining whether their local school districts are placing children at risk by having clubs, programs, policies, or curricula that could influence children to regard homosexual behavior as an acceptable lifestyle."- Misssion America, 24 April, 2006
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Day Of Truth” confronts the homosexual agenda
"Not content with their so-far stalled efforts to get "same-sex marriage" judicially imposed on America, the vanguard of sexual advocacy is now at work on a new strategy –- effacing any recognition of authentic marriage from textbooks, school materials and the minds of America’s children.
Calif. Senate Bill 1437 passed California’s Senate Judiciary Committee the first week of April, bound for a vote on the Senate floor. The bill, as currently conceived, would virtually rewrite the state’s history and social science textbooks to fit the conceits and demands of the homosexual legal agenda, laying the groundwork for gender-neutral school bathrooms and the elimination of all education material references to such “homophobic” terms as “mom and dad,” or “husband and wife.”- Alan Sears, Baptist Press, 24 Apr 2006read more:
How homosexual school clubs offer sex to students
"...many times when a school tries to prevent a "GSA" from starting on campus, the American Civil Liberties Union or a similar legal group steps in. They will claim that students who prefer homosexuality have the right to this "viewpoint." Misapplying the federal "Equal Access Act," they will maintain that if other non-curricular clubs exist, then this type of club should exist, too. This, of course, ignores the prerogative of all schools to ban any activities that are per se harmful to kids and homosexuality is exactly that. But through framing it as a "viewpoint" and not a behavior, the ACLU manages to suppress the health risks – or get the school officials to do so. And in most cases, the schools and their boards will concede and cave. "-Linda Harvey, WorldNetDaily.com 25 Apr 2006
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