"Youth in the Crosshairs: The Third Wave of Ex-Gay Activism," claims that organizations working to help people overcome same-sex attraction could be sued because they cause harm instead of accomplishing what they promise..."There's no evidence that conversion therapy actually works, but there's a growing body of evidence that it can be extremely harmful and unethical," said Jason Cianciotto, a study author and director of research for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in New York, the organization releasing the report...Alan Chambers, an ex-gay who is president of Exodus International...said the report presented "opinion and certainly not fact."..."I really think the core of their problem with us is a fear-based mentality," ..."If people like me exist," Chambers said, "then they weren't born like this (gay). Change is possible or could be possible."...Chambers claims there are "hundreds of thousands" of ex-gays, his evidence being the nearly 400,000 phone calls the organization receives each year from people seeking their help. Exodus plans to release its own research on conversion therapy later this summer."- Wyatt Buchanan, San Francisco Chronicle Staff writer, 3 Mar 2006