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Great article Randy. You are right, when we can discuss these issues without the labels and name calling it gives all of us the opportunity to think. When dealing with the more vocal folks, keeping ones bearings and always remembering to see them as Christ would is the best advice. Seeing each person as a prescious soul and knowing that what we say and how we act could have life changing posibilities (for all of us..)makes one look at the "opponent" in a vastly different light, one attuned to HIS Love.


Thank you JBDL. It is hard for me to think of people as opponents. I mean I know we are with regard to issues but I just don't generally think in those terms.

Good reminder and congrats on being the first commenter on the new blog :).


Thanks for this post, Randy! It ties in well with my main post today. Linked to this, and put you on our blogroll over at Liberty Just in Case.

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