Maine voters learned July 28 that they would be voting on whether to repeal a recently passed "gay rights" law. The bill, which became law in March with the signature of Gov. John Baldacci, adds "sexual orientation" to the list of groups protected against discrimination in employment, housing, education and public accommodations, "People understand that this is the precursor to same-sex marriage. That's what it means to most citizens," Paul Madore, head of the Grassroots Coalition.
Any hope that same-sex civil unions would appease homosexual activists in Connecticut ended July 28, when an attorney representing eight homosexual couples filed legal briefs arguing that civil unions create an unconstitutional "separate but equal" formula. "Connecticut's civil union law -– which grants gay couples every tangible, legal right and benefit of civil marriage -– makes a mockery of the argument that the state has any legitimate reason to deny these couples marriage. Civil unions establish separation for the sake of separation, exclusion for the sake of exclusion. That's plainly wrong."-Bennett Klein, GLAD senior attorney