(AgapePress) - Parents at an Illinois school are complaining about a cross-dressing activity held during the school's "Spirit Week" leading up to homecoming. For the second year in a row, officials at the school are under fire for encouraging boys and girls to come to school attired as the other gender on an "opposite sex" dress-up day. During Spirit Week, students at Carrier Mills-Stonefort Elementary School are given awards each day for participation. If they choose not to dress up, they can still be rewarded if they bring a canned good for a needy family in the area. The "opposite sex day" activity (its actual title has not been confirmed) was purportedly conceived in fun by a school that, according to one staffer, has no radical agenda and was only looking for "something silly" for the kids to do. At least one parent, however, does not find the school's idea of fun amusing. Laura Stanley has an eighth grader, two fifth graders and two second graders at Carrier Mills-Stonefort and is concerned because she feels the school's "opposite sex day" activities send a message of gender confusion to kids. By Jim Brown and Jenni Parker |