By Scott Ross
Hopefully I can establish a criterion that will bring clarity to a subject that has become blurred in evolving cultural standards. To do this I will have to revert to the authority of Scripture. – There's an old yarn they spin out on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, about Jedidy and the devil. Jeremiah Snaggs, known everywhere as "Jedidy," was not known to be a God-fearing man in any sense of the word. So when he died, it was only natural that the devil should come to fetch him. But Jedidy had other plans and led his pursuer on a wild chase down the Cape, until the devil finally caught up with him in Provincetown. Finally admitting defeat, Jedidy asked the devil where the two of them would be going from there.
"We ain't goin' nowhar'," answered the devil. "Ain't this Provincetown?"
Provincetown has quite a history, naturally and spiritually. It is here the Pilgrims in 1620, aboard the Mayflower and under the direction of William Bradford, signed the Mayflower Compact. This was a people who were following God and, in His name, covenanted to form a colony in submission to Him and each other for their common good. It was the first foundation of direct popular government in America. Over the years, "P'town" developed and grew. It's commercial substance came from the sea, and thus evolved a fishing village that gave the town stability. Then came the poets, painters, and playwrights. One of the more outstanding playwrights that found inspiration in Provincetown, for the then lagging theatre world, was the promising and moody young Eugene O'Neil.