NEWS RELEASE September 21, 2004
Contact: Regina Griggs at 703-360-2225 [email protected]
Billboard on Highway I-64 States: “ Ex-Gays Prove Change Is Possible. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays Seeking Tolerance For All.”
RICHMOND, VIRGINA – At a time when homosexual activists are seeking special rights, such as “gay marriage,” hate crime laws, adopting children and promoting homosexuality in schools, they are also attacking the freedoms of the ex-gay community.
As a counter to homosexual activists' campaigns, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) has put up a billboard on one of the busiest Interstate highways in the nation -- on I-64 near the turnoff for I-95 in the Richmond, Virginia area. The billboard features a photo of a young man who overcame homosexuality, and says: “Ex-Gays Prove that Change Is Possible. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays Seeking Tolerance for All.”
“Homosexual activists seek total acceptance and tolerance for their decisions but they openly discriminate against ex-gays' decisions to leave homosexuality,”
said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX, a support group for families with loved ones dealing with homosexuality.
“All major mental health organizations have proclaimed the right to self-determination.
This includes seeking counseling to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions,”
Griggs said. “Furthermore, there is no credible evidence that anybody is 'born gay' and left without a choice.”
The American Psychiatric Association states: “There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology for homosexuality”( May 2000).
“Responsible families and parents seek respect and unconditional love for all of our children -- homosexuals and former homosexuals,” Griggs said. “Ex-gays prove that change is possible and offer hope and answers for those who do not want to live homosexually. It is time that ex-gays got respect, honesty and equality.”
“We put up this billboard so that people will know the truth – that you don't have to be homosexual if you don't want to be. We're hoping this ad will bring about public awareness, respect and tolerance.”
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) ~ supporting the right of homosexuals to choose change ~ Box 561 Fort Belvoir VA 22060