But Voting Irregularities May Spawn Court Challenges by Pro-Homosexual Groups
By Jody Brown
September 20, 2004
(AgapePress) - Just days after Hurricane Ivan blew through parts of the state of Louisiana, voters in that state blew away threats to the institution of marriage. By an almost 4-to-1 margin, the citizens of the Bayou State on Saturday voted to amend their constitution to limit marriage to one man and one woman, and to ban civil unions and domestic partnerships. But homosexual activists indicate they plan to challenge the results in court.
Bob Knight
Louisiana has joined the ranks of states that have shown overwhelming support for traditional marriage. With all precincts reporting, a state constitutional amendment banning homosexual "marriage" in Louisiana was approved this weekend by 78 percent of those who voted -- a percentage even higher than that reflected in a similar referendum in Missouri last month. As Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute puts it, the vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment "blew away any doubt that Louisianans want marriage protected in essence as well as name."
There had been some concern that last week's appearance by a massive hurricane might dampen voters' spirits on the measure, but that did not seem to be the case. "Despite the threat posed by Hurricane Ivan, the people voted decisively to thwart the man-made disaster of fake 'marriage,'" Knight says. Still, Fox News points out that voter turnout was about 27 percent -- a number somewhat low for a state election, the news service states.