Friday, September 17, 2004
Gay adoption limited
By David Eggert / Associated Press
LANSING — An attorney general’s legal opinion that same-sex couples married in Massachusetts cannot adopt a child together in Michigan has angered gay rights advocates and others who said Wednesday it disregards children’s best interests.
The opinion, written by Attorney General Mike Cox, said a same-sex marriage performed in another state is invalid in Michigan and therefore precludes that couple from obtaining a joint adoption here.
“It’s an anti-family opinion,” said Beverly Davidson, president of the Coalition for Adoption Rights Equality, which supports same-sex adoptions. “There are a number of children in our state who need permanent homes. Limiting who can adopt them is a disservice.”
While the Republican attorney general’s opinion specifically addressed whether the state can recognize same-sex marriages performed in Massachusetts and whether those couples can adopt children in Michigan, critics worry that it further cripples gays’ rights and their ability to adopt.