Mon Aug 30, 8:33 PM ET
By DOUG SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer
NEW ORLEANS - A state appeals court ruled Monday that a proposed amendment to the state Constitution banning gay marriage should remain on the ballot, overturning a lower court ruling and sending the issue to the state Supreme Court.
The ruling came in one of three lawsuits filed by gay activists to keep the amendment off the Sept. 18 ballot.
John Rawls, a lawyer for the activists, said he planned to ask the state's highest court to consider the three cases together.
The "Defense of Marriage" amendment, passed by state lawmakers earlier this year, would also ban state officials and courts from recognizing out-of-state marriages and civil unions between homosexuals.
Louisiana already has a law stating that marriage can be only between a man and woman, but supporters of an amendment banning gay marriage want to protect that law in the state Constitution.
The lawsuits argued that the amendment would unconstitutionally deprive unmarried couples — gay or straight — of the right to enter into contracts and own property. Supporters of the ban disagree.
Where Does Your House Member Stand on FMA?
The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) sometime in mid-September. We've researched the positions of members of Congress -- and have classified them in four categories: cosponsors (those who have signed their names to the FMA); members expected to support; expected to oppose; and undecided.
Posted by Randy Thomas on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 | Permalink