August 25, 2004
by Steve Jordahl, correspondent
The anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington highlights how far we have gone in the wrong direction.
Saturday marks the 41st anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's famed "I Have a Dream" speech, and conservative black leaders are planning to commemorate the day by calling for support of the Federal Marriage Amendment.
"We've looked at 40 years of trying to fix these things politically, and they've all backfired on the black family," said Star Parker, founder of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education (CURE). "We are just not going to allow the homosexual activists to define marriage during this critical state of our affairs."
Parker gets angry when she hears gay activists comparing their struggles with those of African-Americans who braved fire hoses and vicious dogs to secure basic rights like voting and getting a proper education. She noted that Dr. King appealed to God's moral law in his fight against discrimination and segregation.