APA's Endorsement of Gay Marriage an Attack on Families;
Thu Jul 29, 3:49 PM ET
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 29 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Focus on the Family harshly criticized the American Psychological Association's endorsement of gay marriage and homosexual adoption today, saying the policy represents an attack on the traditional family for which the association should be ashamed.
"The APA's decision to endorse same-sex marriage flies in the face of logic, science and the historical experience of every culture on the face of the planet," said Dr. James C. Dobson, a psychologist and the chairman of Focus on the Family. "Let's be clear: What we're talking about here is intentionally creating hundreds of thousands of motherless and fatherless families, permanently depriving little boys of a father and little girls of a mother."
Glenn Stanton, Focus on the Family's senior research analyst for marriage and sexuality, echoed Dobson's concerns.
"This policy will subject generations of children to the status of lab animals in a vast, untested social experiment with the family. No one can say that is compassionate," Stanton explained. "Study after study has found that boys and girls not raised by both their mother and father are much more likely to, among other things, suffer abuse, perform poorly in school, suffer lower levels of mental and physical health and wind up in trouble with the law."