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the existance of men and women who have overcome same sex attractions.
Warren Throckmorton, PhD
July 19, 2004
Chris Matthews, the tough but affable host of MSNBC’s Hardball advanced an interesting argument in favor of same sex marriage. His theory is that the government has a kind of obligation to encourage bonding among homosexuals.
On a July 12 show with Utah Senator Orin Hatch, Mr. Matthews asked the following question of Senator Hatch: “Senator, how do you discourage promiscuity, sexual promiscuity, among gay people if you don‘t encourage bonding of some kind?” As I understand his question, Mr. Matthews makes two moral assumptions: One, promiscuity among homosexuals is bad and two, such behavior can be “discouraged” by government policy concerning marriage.
To me, that line of thinking could be insulting to those who identify as gay. The reasoning seems to go like this: These poor helpless gay people are at the mercy of their sexual drives and they cannot avoid jumping in and out of each other’s beds without the government providing some controls. This seems to demean the moral free agency of those who identify as gay. I think an additional unspoken assumption is that the reason straight people are not promiscuous is because legal marriage is between a man and a woman.