Friday, May 28, 2004
I would like to respond to the recent column written by Deb Price in which she states that same-sex marriage is a natural progression of society advancement. I would contend that Ms. Price's viewpoint is a reflection of a society that has lost its moral direction and has regressed to depravity.
As we have seen in print, and watched and heard through the media, representatives of the gay community recite the endless irrelevant facts that cloud the truth of the real issue, which is: Are we as a society willing to legalize and legitimize abnormal behavior? Gay individuals choose their sexual preference. They are not born that way, as science has clearly proven through extensive research. The sexual acts that they indulge themselves in are clearly abnormal and unnatural. There are no examples to my knowledge that any society or species can or has survived when homosexuality flourishes.
As a Christian man I am totally offended by Ms. Price's misuse of Scripture. Her deletion of so many verses that denounce this type of behavior seems to give evidence of her lack of wisdom or was it merely a purposeful omission. She misrepresents the Founding Fathers in regards to their opinion, not constitutional precept, on the separation of church and state, which was clearly written to keep government from dictating laws under the guise of the word of God. References to non-biblical churches blessing unions only further demonstrates how desperate the homosexual community truly is to be accepted. Her use of polling numbers to legitimize a position cannot be accepted as fact. We are all quite aware of the flaws in the methodology.