By JENNIFER C. YATES, Associated Press Writer
PITTSBURGH - The Showtime series "Queer as Folk" began its fourth season Sunday, chronicling the lives of gays and lesbians living in the Steel City. But there's no bustling downtown gay community with nightclubs and businesses in the real Pittsburgh, and the show's streetscapes are really filmed in Toronto.
Though the show has a following here — Monday nights at the South Side restaurant Tuscany are "Queer as Folk" watching nights — many gay and lesbian Pittsburghers say the real gay community is more subdued, even hidden.
"There are a lot more closeted people in this area. Most times I just hear people say, 'Wow, that is so not Pittsburgh,'" said John Doughty, 32, Pittsburgh resident who is gay.
Tom Stewart, 42, who moved to Pittsburgh from San Diego in 2002, described Pittsburgh's gay community as "being close to nonexistent." He said he doesn't feel accepted everywhere he goes, and wouldn't, for example, wear a gay T-shirt in certain neighborhoods.