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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 27, 2004
CONTACT: Bill Murray, (202) 393-2100
FOR RADIO: Yvonne Lingo
FRC Action and Pro-Family Coalition Launch $2 Million Ad Campaign
Full-page ads thank President Bush and encourage Americans to support the federal marriage amendment.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Beginning with today's edition of USA Today, FRC Action - the legislative action arm of the Family Research Council - and a coalition of pro-family organizations from around the nation are launching a $2 million newspaper ad campaign. The ads thank President Bush for his bold support of a federal marriage amendment, and they encourage Americans to call their elected officials in support of this necessary tool in the effort to protect marriage.
This campaign is just the beginning of a nation-wide effort to build on the solid support of Americans who want marriage protected - 65 percent in the latest polls - so that the federal marriage amendment can be quickly passed in the U.S. Congress and ratified in the states.
"The recent actions by the Mayor of San Francisco and the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court have necessitated our full-scale effort to protect the definition of marriage," said Tony Perkins, president of both FRC Action and the Family Research Council. "Without an amendment, marriage in every state will suddenly be defined by a rogue mayor and four unelected judges. We cannot allow that to happen."
The ads, paid for by FRC Action and a coalition of organizations who are on the front lines in the battle to
protect marriage, will appear in every major U.S. newspaper, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Dallas Morning News, Chicago Tribune, Seattle Times, Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, Arizona Republic, and twelve others.
To download a copy of the ad and to see a list of all the groups involved in this effort, go to