San Francisco Chronicle, January 23, 2004
National gay support group offers college scholarships
Meredith May
San Francisco Chronicle, January 23, 2004
National gay support group offers college scholarships
Meredith May
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
ADF Alliance Alert - B.C. Commissioners Told Perform Same Sex Marriages or Resign -
Pro-family groups in Ohio and Michigan are excited about the fact that the lawmakers in their respective states are standing in defense of the traditional, biblical concept of marriage. More details:
Members of Ohio's Senate have joined with those in the House in giving approval to a bill that would ban same-sex "marriages." Should the bill become law, Ohio would become the 38th state in the nation to enact a Defense of Marriage Act -- a critical number for those who are pushing for a Federal Marriage Amendment.
More details:
Baptist Press Friday 1/23/04 - TENNESSEE--MARRIAGE DIGEST: DOMA passed in Ohio Senate.
Baptist Press Friday 1/23/04 - TENNESSEE--How would same-sex 'marriage' legalization impact America?
FRC - Washington Update - January 23, 2004 - FRC Leads Defense of Marriage at CPAC
This morning, FRC sponsored a panel entitled, "Marriage: Who Appointed Judges God?" at the Conservative Political Action Committee convention, an annual gathering of over a thousand conservative activists from Washington and across the country. Vice President of Government Affairs Connie Mackey chaired the panel which included Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN), nationally syndicated columnist and author of several books on marriage Maggie Gallagher, and Princeton Professor and author of "Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth" Dr. Jeffrey Satinover. The discussion covered the need for a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman and court stripping measures to reel in activist judges. The questions and reactions from the audience were very encouraging. This is clearly an issue conservative activists are not only talking about - they are dedicated to enlisting in the battle to protect marriage.
FRC - Washington Update - January 22, 2004 - Ohio Senate Passes 'Super-Defense of Marriage Act' The Ohio State Senate yesterday passed a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) "to specifically declare that same-sex marriages are against the strong public policy of the state." The bill, H.B. No. 272, has been referred to as a "super-DOMA" because it not only limits marriage to unions of one man and one woman, but it also bars any extension of marital benefits by the state (through "civil unions" or "domestic partnerships") to unmarried couples. In addition, the "strong public policy" language is intended to forestall any potential challenge to the law under the U. S. Constitution's "full faith and credit" clause. The Ohio House of Representatives, which previously passed a slightly different version of the bill, must approve the Senate's amendments next week before sending the bill to Gov. Bob Taft for his signature. Taft has said he will sign the bill after completing a legal analysis.
Kudos to Citizens for Community Values, the Family Policy Council that helped spearhead passage of the bill. Ohio residents should urge the House and the Governor to act swiftly to make the measure law. And Massachusetts residents should demand that their state's Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment receive similar timely approval. To find out more information on Citizens for Community Values, click on the link below.
Additional Resources
Citizens for Community Values
Chicago Tribune, January 25, 2004,1,5577136.story
Value Judgments
Same-sex couples differ on joint finances
Janet Kidd Stewart
San Francisco Chronicle, January 24, 2004
Leno to counter Bush on gay marriage
Bill would recognize licenses, boost benefits
Rona Marech, Chronicle Staff Writer
Orlando Sentinel, January 18, 2004,1,3013672.column
Marriage counseling? Try Erma Bombeck
Myriam Marquez
The cynical little devil in my head says President Bush's marriage
initiative carries a political calculation that adds up to 3 million.
Votes, that is.
Associated Press, January 23, 2004
9 States Seek Tougher Gay Marriage Bans
Washington (AP) - Despite laws on the books already barring gay
marriage, legislators in at least nine states are pushing for new, more
sweeping measures in hopes of preventing any ripple effect from laws and
court rulings elsewhere. In most cases, Republican lawmakers in states with existing Defense
of Marriage acts seek to go a step further by amending their constitutions
to specify that marriage must be heterosexual. State Rep. Bill Graves, a
bill sponsor in Oklahoma, wants to stipulate that same-sex unions are
"repugnant to the public policy" of the state.
USA Today, January 23, 2004
States mull marriage laws after Massachusetts ruling
By Dennis Cauchon, USA Today
Orlando Sentinel, January 23, 2004,1,6751461.column?coll=orl-opinion-headlines
By any other name, it's gay marriage
Peter A. Brown
Associated Press, January 23, 2004
Attorney General Proposes Gay Marriage Ban
Associated Press, January 23, 2004,0,2396348.story?coll=dp-headlines-virginia
Virginia Delegates approve 'sanctity of marriage' resolution
By Justin Bergman, Associated Press Writer
Associated Press, January 21, 2004
Poll finds majority opposes same-sex marriage; but most oppose
constitutional amendment
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, January 22, 2004 Ga.'s gay marriage ban may tighten
By Ernie Suggs and Nancy Badertscher, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
USA Today, January 22, 2004
Opposing View: Bush speaks for majority
By Matt Daniels
USA Today, January 22, 2004
Our View: Respect states' role in deciding marriage law
New York Times, January 22, 2004
Conservative Groups Differ on Bush Words on Marriage
By David D. Kirkpatrick
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
CitizenLink - Daily Update - January 23, 2003 - PEDIATRICIANS SPLIT OVER SAME-SEX PARENTING:
New group says it's dangerous and irresponsible to support
homosexual parenting.
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
FRC - Washington Update - January 23, 2004 - Clark's 'Family Values': Abortion & Same-Sex 'Marriage'
In last night's Democratic debate in New Hampshire, presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark implored his fellow Democrats to take back the family values mantra from the Republicans, claiming that Democrats are best equipped to protect America's moral heritage. In recent interviews with the homosexual magazine The Advocate and New Hampshire's Union-Leader, Clark gives some insight as to what his "family values" are. When The Advocate asked whether he agreed with the same-sex "marriage" decision in Massachusetts, Clark answered "Yeah, Absolutely." Clark also showed just how much he values the institution of marriage when he said, "I think marriage is a term of art. It's a term of usage." Of course, as you'll recall, Clark did serve under a president who wasn't clear on the definition of the word "is." Clark went on to advocate civil unions as a minimum, and endorsed same-sex "marriage" if states so chose. Perhaps someone should tell him that the people of Massachusetts never asked for or voted in favor of same-sex "marriage," it was thrust on them by four unelected judges. He could also read the latest national polls which all show a large majority of Americans are opposed to homosexual "marriage." Clark's extreme views on deconstructing marriage are matched only by his statements to the Union-Leader that there should not be any legal restrictions on abortion - not even at the moment of natural delivery. The media has led most to believe that Howard Dean is this election's extremist. As we learn more about Wes Clark, John Kerry and John Edwards - all of whom are beholden to homosexual activists and Planned Parenthood alike - it's beginning to look like Dean is just the extreme of the extremists.
Washington Times, January 25, 2004
State gets first openly gay delegate
By Christina Bellantoni, The Washington Times
RICHMOND - Freshman Delegate Adam P. Ebbin hasn't wasted any time in
speaking out for homosexual rights in the General Assembly.
Washington Times, January 24, 2004
Virginia House accepts marriage proposal
By Christina Bellantoni, The Washington Times
RICHMOND - The House of Delegates yesterday overwhelmingly approved
a resolution urging the U.S. Congress to propose a constitutional amendment
affirming marriage as a union between only a man and a woman.
Boston Globe, January 24, 2004
Romney seeks a bill to ban gay marriage
By Frank Phillips and Raphael Lewis, Globe Staff
The Tennessean, January 24, 2004
1100 Broadway, Nashville, TN, 37203
Commentary: Both sides should be gracious in gay rights debate
By Brian Lewis, Staff Writer
Associated Press, January 23, 2004
Clark would review military policy on gays By Elizabeth Wolfe
WASHINGTON - Former Gen. Wesley Clark would not completely end the
military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy against gays if he became
president, but he would have the Pentagon review and change it, he said in
an interview with a national gay and lesbian magazine.
Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, January 23, 2004
Conservative senator pulls support of gay rights bill
By Justin Bergman, Associated Press Writer
Associated Press, January 22, 2004
Gay rights back on legislative agenda after last year's glitch
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Exodus Spotlights for January 23, 2004 In today's Spotlights, Anne Paulk, Author of Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle with Same Sex Attraction, will write from personal experience in response to Showtime's The L Word. We also will be hearing more about the marriage debate and its important implications from Executive Director Alan Chambers.
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Chicago Tribune, January 25, 2004,1,689777.story Panel backs off Gay Games opposition
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Associated Press, January 22, 2004
Appeals court agrees gay man entrapped by good looking detective
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Denver Post, January 24, 2004,1413,36~53~1911714,00.html Springs ministry rejects federal faith-based funds Focus on Family wants no strings attached By Erin Emery, Denver Post Southern Colorado Bureau
Associated Press, January 22, 2004 Belgian Archbishop Shuns Remarks on Gays BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Archbishop Godfried Danneels distanced himself Wednesday from critical comments made by a Belgian cardinal toward gays and lesbians. - Evangelical Leader Debates Gay Bishop Session airs Jan. 27 on PBS. The NAE leader says Robinson is 'a gentle, Mr. Rogers kind of a guy, soft-spoken,' but 'his doctrine is heretical.' More...
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Miami Herald, January 25, 2004 Gay condo-center plan has surprise opposition A development company is working with the Gay and Lesbian Community Center to build condos and a new center as part of a construction deal. By Erika Bolstad, [email protected]
MSNBC, January 26, 2004 Lesbian and gay chamber considers disbanding
By Jason Gil Bear, New Mexico Business Weekly
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Los Angeles Times, January 23, 2004,1,4553450,print.story Subject of protest joins in An HIV-positive man fired from Cirque du Soleil is present at a second action in front of 'Varekai.' Deirdre Newman, Daily Pilot
Posted by Randy Thomas on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (0)